“Meet Kefir: The Majestic Maine Coon with a Gentle Personality”

The Maine Coon breed of cats is known for their large size and distinctive physical appearance, including soft and silky dense fur and a long bushy raccoon-like tail. Interestingly, their fur is water-resistant and can come in any color that other cats have. These cats are very sociable but can be cautious around strangers, justifying their nickname “the gentle giant”. Maine Coon cats possess above-average intelligence and great hunting skills, which make them independent. It’s easy to fall in love with them instantly because of their unique character and beautiful physical look. Kefir, a representative of this breed, is a huge cat who lives in Russia with his owner Yuliya. Yuliya got him from a cattery because she loved his beautiful fluffy white fur as soon as she saw him. Kefir is 21 months old and weighs about 26.5 pounds, eating only meat and natural feeding since the beginning. He refuses to eat dry cat food, which is apparently not his favorite. Yuliya considers Kefir a member of her family, and they treat him accordingly, even sitting with them at the table during mealtime.

Kitty Called Kefir aka”The Gentle Giant” Is An Incredibly Beautiful Maine Coon – Icestech

He’s a large and fluffy feline, however his owner mentions that he still has potential to grow even bigger. According to Yuliya, it’s typical for Maine Coons to continue growing until they are three years old.

Kitty Called Kefir aka”The Gentle Giant” Is An Incredibly Beautiful Maine Coon – Icestech

At 1 year and 9 months of age, he currently weighs approximately 26.5 pounds.

Kitty Called Kefir aka”The Gentle Giant” Is An Incredibly Beautiful Maine Coon – Icestech

Maintaining kefir is generally similar to maintaining any other cat, with the only potential difficulty being their shedding. Due to their large, fluffy coat, they tend to shed much more than a regular cat.

Kitty Called Kefir aka”The Gentle Giant” Is An Incredibly Beautiful Maine Coon – Icestech

According to Yuliya, it’s amusing how people often mistake Kefir for a dog until they realize it’s actually a cat. She finds it funny to see their reactions when they see the large cat. Many people initially assume that it’s a dog.

Kitty Called Kefir aka”The Gentle Giant” Is An Incredibly Beautiful Maine Coon – Icestech

The owner claims that there is a small kitten inside the body of a huge beast, and we find it believable. However, in general, this is an incredibly intelligent cat. It has a strange ability to sense the overall mood in the house. Kefir doesn’t meow, yell, or harm the furniture. It truly is a perfect cat. This is a gentle small kitten in the body of a massive beast, as Yuliya describes it.

Kitty Called Kefir aka”The Gentle Giant” Is An Incredibly Beautiful Maine Coon – Icestech

What is your opinion on taking care of a Maine Coon feline friend? If you are considering adopting one, keep in mind their large size and need for plenty of space to play. Meanwhile, feel free to browse more of Kefir’s photos on Yuliya’s Instagram account. We hope you enjoyed this beautiful kitty and its unique personality traits.

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